Friday, April 20, 2012

Bed-wetting and Big Al's

Well, John did wet the bed today.  But, this is the first time in over a week!  So, simply moving his seizure med from night to morning made a HUGE difference.  And, to think we were just about to put him on another drug for this.
Today was the worst day yet for getting him on the bus.  It was a huge struggle and we thought we had succeeded.  We were just going back in the house when we turn around and see him in the stairwell of the bus.   So, we had to do it all over again.  From now on, we have to use the harness which clips him in so there is no way he can escape.  I think we are getting quite a reputation in our neighborhood as there is a nice line of cars every day that have to wait for us to get him on the bus.  It can take up to 10 minutes some days.   Twice we have had to give up and have the bus drive around the block so we can try a second time.
Today was also my last day of my job that I have had for 14 years.   To celebrate, we went out to Big Al's (a noisy restaurant, bowling alley, arcade games, etc.).   We sat down and ordered and that was about all John could handle.  He doesn't understand that he has to wait for his food to be prepared and he simply couldn't understand why other people were getting food before him.  He became very agitated and eventually Yoshie had to take him outside so he could throw rocks in to a mud puddle.   When we were done eating we went outside to find John still throwing rocks.  It was very difficult to get him in to the car.  I had to hold his feet while Yoshie held his arms.  He fought the whole way.  I'm surprised the police weren't called.  It was very exhausting.

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