Saturday, July 27, 2013

New (big) problem

John has always been an escape artist.  But, lately his desire to escape our house has become alarming.  We already have keypad locks on all of our internal doors and the windows are all locked.  But, we cannot install a keypad lock on the inside of the front door due to fire codes or something.   So, we have alarms on those doors and I installed a small slider lock high up so he couldn't reach it.   But, that no longer works.  Check this out:

The breakup at the end is because he ran outside and was going to climb the tree.  I barely got to him in time even though I was standing right there!
Not sure what we are going to do about this yet, especially with Yoshie leaving to Japan in a few days.  I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to be able to take a shower without John escaping.  I'll have to get creative.

1 comment:

  1. So, I sort of fixed this problem by putting a screw in the slider so it doesn't open anymore. Who needs their front door to actually open, anyway?
