Friday, February 21, 2014

Burgerville Sparrow Club fundraiser

The kids from Battle Ground High School had another fundraiser for the Sparrow Club (and John) at the Burgerville in Battle Ground.  The Mr. Battle Ground contestants actually served the food and kept the place clean.   They had a great crowd and we had a great time meeting up with the team again.

Sunday, February 09, 2014


We had John's yearly IEP meeting last week.  This is where we meet with all of his teachers and come up with his goals for the new year.  This was the first IEP at middle school.   We really like his teachers, and John seems to enjoy school.  We really don't set any goals anymore.  I don't think he's ever actually achieved any of his goals anyway.  At this point we want him to learn to function in a classroom environment and have fun.
It was a little sad that they decided to take away speech and occupational therapy "sessions".  Those specialists are now only there for consultation.  No more dedicated time to focus on those things.  And, they pulled John out of PE.   PE was the only class he had where he was in with the regular kids.  He just became too much of a distraction to the class to make it worthwhile.  While I'd love to have John continue with PE, I know that it would be impossible for him to do any of the exercises or follow any rules.  He just isn't capable of understanding those things.
So, John will pretty much remain in his classroom the entire day.