Monday, March 10, 2008


On Saturday, our friend Rick offered to take us to the Portland Rock Gym. He knows how to do the belaying, so John and Michael (his son) got to take turns climbing the big walls. Of course John loved going up.

I got a little worried when he got way up there, as I didn't know if he would try to go over the edge. So, Rick tried to get him lowered, but he wanted none of that and became frustrated. Finally he just kind of camped out up there and started humming "I'm a little teapot". He ignored my requests to come down. A worker finally went up and coaxed him down. In hindsight, I suspect he would have come down on his own if we had let him go to the very top. But still, I felt a little helpless since there is no way I could go up after him. I think Yoshie and I are going to take the class so we can do the belaying next time. I'm guessing Yoshie and Maya would also enjoy the climbing.


Here's a picture of John with his new VNS. You can see that it is significantly smaller than the previous one. I think the stitches itch him, as he's always trying to get pick at them.