Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Today started with John's appointment with his primary care physician.  She came in early just to see John which was nice.  John was crazy in the waiting area and at one point pulled Yoshie hard enough that she fell and bruised her backside.  He continued to be wild in the doctors office and so she ended up sending Yoshie and John to the ER at OHSU.   I got a phone call at work from the doctor saying that she had just sent them to the ER and that they needed to try to medicate him for his own safety.  And, if they couldn't find something that would work that she would recommend sending him to a psychiatric ward until they could get him settled down.
As is typical of ER's, we had to wait a couple of hours to see anyone that could help.  They did bring us back to the ER room quickly, but this required 2 men to forcefully pull him to the room.  John can't just wait around so we had to make many trips up and down the hall and to the vending machines.   We still needed to get some blood.  They wrapped him up in blankets so he couldn't use his arms or legs and then had 3 nurses and myself attempt to hold him down so they could get some blood.  Even with 4 of us we couldn't hold him still enough to get the needle in the right place.  They had to poke him twice and only ended up with 1ml of blood which wasn't enough to do most of the tests.  And his hand ended up completely bruised.
Yoshie had a long conversation with a social worker.  I'm not sure what will come from that, but she seemed determined to help us.
We finally got to talk with the child psychiatrist.  After many questions she decided that the best course of action was to start John on a low dose of Risperidone.   We agreed and we were able to leave in the afternoon.
To make matters worse, I thought that someone stole our iPad from our car while parked in the ER parking lot.  I even filed a police report.  Turns out that I had left it at work and my friend had seen it on my desk and hid it for me (and forgot to tell me!).  
We ended up keeping our plans to go out to dinner with my mom while John was cared for by Yoshie's friends.  That actually went fine.  John loves company and is usually pretty good at home.
Based on Yoshie's hunch, we changed when we gave John his Zonisamide from night to morning.  Can you believe that he didn't wet the bed for the first time in a long time?  Hopefully that will continue.

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