Thursday, May 10, 2007

Last week, we noticed on several occasions that John had blood in his stool. He had not been constipated or anything, so it seemed odd to us. Because of John's medicine, we take these things a little more seriously then normal.
So, we had to bring a sample to the doctor, and John had to do the routine blood work again. Since he was already getting poked, we had them also do a Felbatol level at the same time.
This place, despite being a pediatric clinic, didn't have much experience with kids like John, so they messed up the first arm and had to re-do. Now I remember why we usually drive 30 minutes for his blood draws.
Anyway, the tests came back normal and we haven't seen any more blood, so that is a relief.

And, his Felbatol level came back at 55. They claimed the "normal" level was 40-100. That's crazy. The neurologist says the normal level is 30-60, and I think that is actually way higher than most doctors would say. So, John's pretty close to his limit.

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