Tuesday, April 03, 2007

We had John's Felbatol level checked last week. The normal range is 30-60, and John was at 46. Hmmm. I don't understand how he can be so far above the normal dose, and still have a blood level that is right in the middle. I guess all the running around he does keeps his metabolism in high gear. It's good news, as far as we are concerned, as it means we can go up on the Felbatol and can delay the Keppra for a bit longer. So, we increased his Felbatol to 11ml/day last week. We'll increase it again to 12ml later this week. As always, we see the scratching and sleep problems. But, those things should subside with time. We've learned to accept the hyperactivity that comes with this drug.
We've seen quite a lot of smaller seizures this week, but haven't seen a big one in 7 days now.

Yoshie took the kids to the zoo over spring break. They were standing in line to get the tickets and I guess John decided that was a good place to go to the bathroom - right in the middle of the crowd of people. He's been so good about going to the bathroom. I'm not sure what he was thinking. I suspect these embarrasing situations are going to get more numerous as he gets older. Hopefully we can put a stop to this sort of thing before it gets out of hand.

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