Thursday, March 17, 2005

lots of seizures, but no rash

The bad news is that John is continuing to have 30+ seizure clusters per day. This is far more than he ever had before the Felbatol. He hasn't been on Felbatol for 5 days now, so it should be almost completely out of his system. It's very discouraging that he didn't get better as the drug levels went down. It's looking like his brain "learned" to have these extra seizures, and this is just the way it's going to be now.
The good news is that we haven't seen a rash yet from the Lamictal. The longer he goes without a rash, the less likely he is to develop one at all. I guess the other good news is that these seizures don't seem to wipe him out at all. He's perfectly happy in-between the seizures.

Our new cat (Luna), got sick last week and we had to take her to the vet. I find it very interesting that there seems to be a lot more compassion from the staff at the vet (for a simple bronchial infection) than we've ever seen from John's doctors. The vet even called to see how she was doing. No doctors have ever done that for John. BTW, Luna is fine now.