Saturday, August 10, 2013

Medical marijuana

Well, it was a long time coming, but we finally were able to get John on medical marijuana.  It's kind of ironic that it happened the same day that CNN ran a story about a seizure kid being helped immensely by the stuff, and Sanjay Gupta reversing his earlier stance and now supporting it.
It's a very tough system to navigate, but I finally just went with a guy that had very good reviews and delivered to my house.   We wanted a liquid form and he only had one strain in liquid form.  Not knowing one from another, we just bought what he had.    It's strong stuff, and we started him on 2 drops morning and night.  That didn't seem to do anything so I have been increasing it slowly.  We're up to 5 drops now, and while I can see some change in John, I don't really think it is helping his behavior.
Further study made me realize that we need a strain high in CBD and low in THC.  Unfortunately the one I got is high in THC and low in CBD.  Basically it will make him high but doesn't have a lot of medicinal value.  So, the search is on for a dispensary that carries the kind we need.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:22 AM

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