Wednesday, May 22, 2013


We are continuing to get John vaccinated, one shot at a time.  It obviously takes longer, but if you've had the chance to see John after a vaccine you'd understand.   He got a polio vaccine last Thursday.  Friday was a new level of craziness.  He could not stand or sit still for even the tiniest amount of time.  He ran back and forth across the house with no breaks the entire day.   He wouldn't even stop for food.   Thankfully he did get to sleep around midnight and slept until almost 7am.   Then, he was back at it all through the weekend.  He's gets better each day now.
Surely, this must mean something?  I've never heard of another kid reacting to a vaccine that way.   We have seen this with each of his vaccines.


  1. That seems to be pretty good evidence that something is up. When we went on are 'alternative'(Dr. Sears hybrid) shot schedule through our pediatrician he told us that both him and his wife see kids react every year to vaccinations, which is why he was cool with the alternative schedule.

    I absolutely think there's a connection, but proving it is beyond my ability. I wonder if you could get some placebo shot to test out the theory of whether it's a shot or just the trauma of the shot experience at this point? I'm sure they could just inject fluid, but not sure how'd they'd bill that one..

  2. Pretty sure John doesn't even know he got a shot. He didn't even flinch the tiniest amount. He HATES how we (Yoshie, I and 3 nurses!) have to hold him down for the shots and he will fight that. But the shot itself is nothing to him. He did get blood taken to see if he can forgo some of the remaining vaccines. Did you know that most kids don't need all of the multiples that they give you for some vaccines? It's just cheaper and easier to give multiple doses than to test if it is needed.
