Friday, July 02, 2010

Toy Story

Some parents organized a special showing of Toy Story 3 for special needs kids at our local theater. John has never been to a movie, so I was excited to take him to this.
They kept the noise a little lower, they kept the lights on a little, and there was the expectation that kids would be noisy and likely getting up and moving around. John was really happy for the first 10 minutes or so (the previews), but then lost interest in the movie. It didn't help that he drank a "medium" pop in the first 5 minutes. So, we spent another 30 minutes going to the bathroom and taking walks around the theater. We tried to sit down a couple of times but he just wasn't interested so we finally had to leave. It was a good try.

We got John's EEG results back, and I guess they were able to get some information out of them, despite the fact that John fought and cried for the entire test. The write-up just said the normal "multi-focal and generalized seizures". But, we talked to the nurse and she said the doctor compared the test with past tests and that his background is much improved. That is good news.

John has been having big seizures again. He had 2 in one day last week, and has had 1 each of the last 2 mornings. Yesterday, they were at the zoo without a stroller when John had his seizure. Yoshie couldn't carry him back, so Maya had to go get help. Of course they wanted to call 911, but Maya let them know that they didn't need to. They sent some help and were taken to the medical office until John woke up. After that, they were driven around and even got to cut to the front of the line for the train.

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