Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Another EEG fiasco

We took John in for another routine EEG. The last time we did this, he screamed for a long time and we had to forcefully hold him down so he wouldn't tear the leads off his head. So, we were prepared for a battle, but what we didn't take in to consideration is that John is 2 years older and a lot stronger now.
This went about as bad as you can imagine. We had to hold him tightly while he screamed just to get the leads stuck on. Then he didn't calm down at all for the actual test. Yoshie had to sit on top of him while I held his hands. He is incredibly tough and was able to escape my grasp a couple of times to pull a wire or two off. He fought and screamed for probably an hour. I really doubt they got any usable data from that. There are just too many artifacts that they would have to sift through. He did finally wear himself completely out and laid there quietly for about 2 minutes before resuming his rampage. Maybe they can get something from that.
Next time, we'll have to sedate him.
John was back to his happy self the second we left that room, but Yoshie and I were exhausted and we skipped the blood draw. I guess we'll have to go back to do that soon.

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