Wednesday, May 27, 2009


We've now increased the Banzel to 1 full pill, twice a day. We've also lowered his Keppra by 1ml in the morning. He's now taking 2ml in the AM, and 3ml in the PM. So far, he seems to actually be MORE hyperactive, and the seizures are continuing as before. I think some of this is just his body responding to the change in drugs. We're hopeful that he will calm down a bit with time.
I was able to get off work early and go to John's speech therapy session last week. Unfortunately, since I was there John wouldn't go through therapy without my being in the room. My being there kind of ruined the session. I was able to get off work early a 2nd time and wanted to see John in a true session, so I hid in the back of our van with a blanket over me all the way to PSU. John had no idea I was there. Man, it got hot in there. Once John was in the room, I was able to go to the viewing area to watch him. That was pretty interesting. He likes his therapist, and they have a good time playing, but John doesn't seem to learn much.
The weather has finally gotten consistently nice around here, so Maya and John and I have been able to ride our bikes a little. Maya rides her new Mtn. bike, while John rides on a tag-a-long behind my bike. He often screams with joy and sings a lot while we ride. He also has started to pedal sometimes which is cool. He can also pedal his own bike for a little while (with training wheels), but he gets distracted so easily that he keeps running in to things and he quickly tires of it. Hopefully by the end of this summer I can get him to ride to the park on his own.

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