Thursday, November 01, 2007


John had another EEG this morning. As always, it was pretty traumatic for him to have to lay there while the leads were glued on. It gets harder each time, as he gets stronger and louder. We had to wrap him up tight and have 3 of us hold him down just to get the leads on. It was pretty torturous for about 20 minutes. He finally wore himself out and fell asleep.
The EEG itself clearly showed seizure activity. The technicians can't tell us anything, of course, but anyone can tell that when the lines go from almost flat to a wild storm that something is not right. We'll get results next week, but if I had to guess I'd say it was still very bad, but probably a little better than last year. At least this year we could see a few stretches that lasted 20 seconds or more without a discharge.
I have no idea what the doctor will recommend after this. I don't know if he will want to go up on drugs, quickly replace the VNS, or to just leave things alone as John is doing really well these days.
Hopefully he won't need to do another EEG anytime soon. That is honestly the most upset I've ever seen him. He was so worn out that he had to miss school completely. But, true to form, he's back to being completely fine this evening. His parents are still pretty worn out, though.