Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Johns situation continues to change, mostly for the better. Because of this, we haven't made any drug changes yet. It just seems like we need to wait for everything to stabilize before making any changes.
Since my last post, John started in this predictable cycle with one long seizure every 3 days. It was like clockwork. How strange. On the off days, he would just have a couple of very small head-nods. For whatever reason, he didn't have a big seizure last week on day #3, but picked up right where he left off on day #6 with a 95 second seizure. I'm beginning to wonder if he actually did have a seizure on that 3rd day in his sleep.
We also saw our first seizure-free day last week. He's come close many, many times over the last couple of weeks, but we've only had the one day where we didn't see any seizure activity.

1 comment:

  1. No seizures! Awesome! Even one day is to be celebrated!

    Michaela has "cycles" as well. It really threw me for a loop at first, but we're used to it now.

    Here's hoping for more of those NO SEIZURE days!
