Monday, January 15, 2007

The never-ending roller-coaster ride continues on. John had a couple of good days. He went almost 2 full days without a big seizure (though still lots of minor ones). Then he had a big one again yesterday. I just don't know how big, as I missed it. He was crouched down getting some balls from under the sofa as he often does. It was quite awhile before it occured to me that he hadn't moved in some time. He was not seizuring when I got to him, but he must have just finished, as he was still limp and completely exhausted. He slept for an hour, breathing very deeply the whole time. Then, he had another tough hour after that before recovering and being back to his old self in time for Maya's 8th birthday party! His big seizure was at 1:30pm, and we only saw one other very minor seizure the rest of the day. So, as usual, he seems to release the same amount of seizure energy in any given day, whether it comes in lots of small seizures or just one big one.
We have an appt. with the doctor tomorrow to discuss where we go from here. The options are 1) increase the felbatol, 2) increase the VNS settings, 3) add some Lamictal back in, or 4) start a new drug. I think we'll suggest #1 if we can do it safely, then #2. I'm not sure we're ready to reintroduce the Lamictal, but we may end up having to do that in the end.

He's also starting music therapy this week. I think he'll enjoy that.

We're going to slowly start dropping the herbs and the dietary restrictions, one bit at a time. They haven't proven to be beneficial, at least as far as we can tell. Just how we do this will be dictated by what happens at the doctor appt. tomorrow. We are trying to do one thing at a time, so we know definately what the culprit is if something happens.

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