Monday, November 27, 2006

101 posts

Wow, I can't believe I've posted 101 times already. I should probably figure out a way to back this stuff up!

Anyway, John has been off the Lamictal for over a week now. Things got worse for the first week, culminating in a day of over 100 small seizures. Then, he got better again and is back to 20-40 small seizures a day now, and some moments where he looks a little lost. These seizures are small and would probably be missed by most poeple. Hopefully he will continue to get better. I think it was a good choice to get rid of the Lamictal. Even if his seizure count might be slightly higher, it's not enough to make the drug side-effects worth it.
If a drug completely eliminated his seizures, we would be willing to live with almost any side-effects as the brain might be able to heal. As it is, I question whether he should remain on any drug if it doesn't stop his seizures completely.

We talked to the herbalist about the tropic acid thing, and she did the research and doesn't think the herbs are causing this. She's really "excited" about it though, as she thinks it might be a key.
We have an appt. with the naturopath later this week and I guess we'll come up with some plan at that time. I'm also going to see if our neurologist has any ideas.

Grandma made a gluten and dairy free Thanksgiving dinner for John, so he was able to share in the family meal. He's such a good eater, that he scarfed down pretty much everything. I'd post a picture, but I think we forgot to take any!

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