Saturday, July 27, 2013

New (big) problem

John has always been an escape artist.  But, lately his desire to escape our house has become alarming.  We already have keypad locks on all of our internal doors and the windows are all locked.  But, we cannot install a keypad lock on the inside of the front door due to fire codes or something.   So, we have alarms on those doors and I installed a small slider lock high up so he couldn't reach it.   But, that no longer works.  Check this out:

The breakup at the end is because he ran outside and was going to climb the tree.  I barely got to him in time even though I was standing right there!
Not sure what we are going to do about this yet, especially with Yoshie leaving to Japan in a few days.  I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to be able to take a shower without John escaping.  I'll have to get creative.


Well, I knew it was too good to last.  We had a couple of months of nice runs where I pushed John in his push chair and Yoshie rode her bike with us.  But, that ended today.  He decided he didn't want to ride in the chair at all.  He kept trying to escape while we were moving pretty good.  That is kind of dangerous.   I ultimately had to run with him for about a quarter mile, pushing the chair with my left hand and holding on to John with my right.  That would wear him out enough that he would sit in the chair for a few minutes after that.  Repeat.   We didn't get in much of a run, unfortunately.
I could probably put the harness on there to force him to sit, but I don't want this to be torture for him.  I was hoping he would continue to enjoy the runs.  

At least we did get in a nice trip to the beach after the run:

He did pretty good at the beach again.  The only thing that freaked me out was that he grabbed a 12" jellyfish that I was trying to get him to avoid.  I mistakenly thought it might sting him.  He grabbed the whole thing and ran in to the surf, tearing it in two on the way.   I don't know why he had the need to do that, but I'm glad it didn't sting him!

Friday, July 26, 2013

On the roof again

He can get on the roof in about 20 seconds now via the tree in our front yard.  And, he will if you take your attention off of him at all.  Today we were both watching him, but the neighbor across the street came out and said something to us.  John saw his opportunity and was up there before we even knew what happened.  Yoshie somehow climbed the fence and got up there almost as fast.  I ran out back to get the ladder.  But, John was already sitting on the gutter on the side of the house ready to jump off.  I tried to stop him but was unsuccessful.  I tried to break his fall but didn't do a great job.  He got hung up on the gutter messing it up and bruising his arm in a couple of places.  Of course he thought it was all great fun.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


For some unknown reason, John had a NEED to move all of our shoes to this one location.  There was no stopping him.

Autism is so weird.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


We bought the mats to keep him safer, but of course he figured out a way to have some fun with them:


This is why we keep the cupboard locked:

Where are you?

John was supposed to be in bed (in his pajamas).  This is where we found him:

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

This weekend's damage

Another sun visor (3rd one for those that are counting):

Another umbrella:

And, this is a new one.  He discovered the molding can be ripped off:

Sunday, July 07, 2013

On the roof again

John is back to climbing the trees.  This is the one he uses to try to get on the roof.

As you can guess, we have to watch him very carefully while outside.  He did manage to get up on the roof yesterday even though we were watching closely.  

I think we're going to have to cut that tree down, unfortunately.